DexCon fun

16 07 2008

Shreyas and I are headed to DexCon tonight! We will be running:

  • It’s Complicated on Thursday, 7-16, from 2-6 PM (R171)
  • Mist-Robed Gate on Thursday, 7-16, from 8 PM-12 AM (R182)
  • It’s Complicated on Saturday, 7-19, from 9 AM-1 PM (R249)

We have to HURRY back to Western Mass after that last round of IC, so if you want hangout time, find us before then. Also, we’ll have a bunch of the sweet promotional bookmarks for Mist-Robed Gate to give away. If you’re not going to be at DexCon, one comes with every copy of It’s Complicated, and with every preorder of Mist-Robed Gate.

The bookmark doesn’t look exactly like this, it’s prettier. But it’s close:

Slowly but surely

2 04 2008

So, a couple nights ago, Shreyas and I are over at JACN’s house, and Joshua shot me a pointed look from across the room.

“Hey,” he says, “So this awesome thing happens to me, ever since I published Shock.”

“Oh?” I venture.

“Yeah. See, when you finish a game, and publish it, sometimes you go
to PayPal and there is money in there. Because people buy your
game. So I guess what I’m saying is, when you publish a game, you get money.

In case I missed the aural italics, Shreyas decided to help. “So you’re basically saying Elizabeth needs to finish It’s Complicated.

“Yes. Yes I am.”


It’s going pretty quickly, considering the fact I get access to my computer maybe once a week, tops. (Stupid lack of monitor.) I’m going to overhaul the art (awesome illustrations by the illustrious Shreyas Sampat will be forthcoming), and I need to get talking to the fine printers that JACN has put me in contact with. But someday soon and very soon, once I have a rough cost for my book worked out and a likely pagecount, I’ll be starting pre-orders.

I wasn’t entirely sure if I had the Thatchers to pull off pre-orders, but Sean is running a game of IC at Kubla Con, and in the event listing, he mentions that Complicated is going on pre-order “soon.”

Well, poops. It’s time to get to work.